The World, Poverty, and the Problems






t is horrible as well as amicable. It has restrictions, it is limitless. It is dreadful, it is enticing. It has numerous seasons but is monotonous. It is the world with a dual side, a lap of luxuries for some and a dire strait for others. It is both a paradise and a strife-torn site. Every residential confronts the different experiences in life. Some kids are born and grow up in the shade of caressing relations, whereas some open their eyes in the darkness and grow up upon the stumbling blocks of time. They spent their lives craving for their loved ones. As it is the world, it is a blessing for some. It is fortunate for many but still creates a vacuum inside them by not fulfilling their awaiting desires. Poverty can be described in terms of emotions it is not the debate here. The main reason behind several problems is the shortage of resources. The differences in livings due to the availability of resources lead to prosperity and poverty. Poverty is when someone lacks enough financial resources to meet the necessities of life and fails to accomplish the average standard of life.

The World Bank Organization defined poverty in the following words:

 “Poverty is hunger. Poverty is a lack of shelter. Poverty is being sick and not being able to see a doctor. Poverty is not having access to school and not knowing how to read. Poverty is not having a job, is fear for the future, living one day at a time.”

Global poverty means the global population living below the poverty line with a daily wage of $2.5. The World Bank estimated that approximately 9.2% population lives below the poverty line. Children make up half of the poverty in the world as it affects generation to generation. A child who is born in a cracked and damaged dark cell may dream of a bright future, getting a higher education, and changing the standard of their living when he sees his parents dying for two times of bread and gets entangled in the burden of responsibilities. Premature bent back of father, dry tears and grieving face of mother forces him to bury every dream in this dark room. Obligations tap him and prepare him to get rolled in the thorny impediments of time. It is the time when he illuminates the dark cottage by burning his dreams. They experience many things at a young age as stress management or anxiety issues and untold childhood tussles that a child would combat. The problem they surely face:

·      Poor kids would suffer some serious infectious disease due to unhygienic ambiance.

·        Due to an unhygienic environment, the poor cannot access clean water.

·  When there is a struggle for filling their stomach, poor kids are unable to eat nutritious food.

·        There is inequality in education as middle-class families don’t allow girls to be educated. Some cannot afford the educational dues. According to UNESCO 171 million can be uplifted from extreme poverty if children get basic education and poverty can be cut off from the world if children complete secondary education.

·        Middle-class children have low confidence as they see other children getting facilities of a prosperous life.

·        Distances from the cities also cause hurdles for those who live in rural areas. 4 out of 5 below the poverty line live in rural areas.

·        Insecurity risk increases in the people struggling to earn bread by two times.

What we can do to help those struggling with poverty, hunger, and are homeless?

  • We should help to grow the charities and the organization working for the habilitation of the homeless.
  • The schools working for the betterment of poor kids if Under-resourced and should be funded by donating school supplies.
  • Support the low-income wagers and food insecure poor children.
  • Make basic education accessible for every child despite their social status.
  • Support organizations to increase the income of wagers and to learn affordable housing and learning skills.
  • Provide public awareness about the importance of cleanliness to save them from infectious diseases.
  • Make them confident, keep their morale high, and force them to learn as poverty would remain half if every adult gets secondary education.









